Friday, July 30, 2010

You know you are excited about going to France when...

there's only 32 days left until you leave. Kind of crazy, right? I truly can not believe that I have only a little more than a month left before I literally run to get on a plane and leave the occasionally oppressive heat of Texas for the rainy land of Rennes, France.
And yes, you did read that correctly. There are other cities in France besides Paris. Although many would be shocked to learn this, the truth will out! "Sarah Sejours en France" is here precisely for that reason--to give an "outsider's" inside point of view on the French way of life.
I am experiencing France through a high school "home stay" program called School Year Abroad (hereafter referred to as SYA), along with an extremely (you can say that again) generous scholarship through my school in Texas.
Though it might sound completely and entirely outrageous to spend junior year of high school away from family and friends, it's the knowledge that I will have two sets of everything (families, friends, languages, etc) at the end of nine months that makes all the sacrifices more than worth their weight in gold.

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